May 1, 2K - 24:44 - Movie Problems
& Enter Page
Well I tried to upload the movies but the FTP won't let
me upload for some reason. Always an error or something. Well I will
have the movies up sometime soon and maybe even in MPG format zipped
up for better quality.
From now on, i'm going to have an enter page like my last site. For
some reason I don't like putting in the URL and popping up to the
main page. Just me I guess. Well sorry about the movies but they'll
be up soon.
April 29, 2K - 22:11 - Site
Premiere -
Welcome to my new site for Metal Gear Solid 2. I have an old site
on the old game for PSX "Metal Gear Solid". Out of boredness,
I decided to make a new website for the new game for PS2 "Metal
Gear Solid 2: Son's Of Liberty"; sequel to MGS. This site is
advanced from Outer Heaven (original site) and is more simple. Enjoy.